About Me

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Self Portrait: "You are my Dark Clouds" I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR! I am daughter, I am mother, I am friend, I am teacher, I am student, but still I am more. I am loyal, I am kind, I am loving, I am smart, I am funny, I am wise, I am no mans fool...so beware. I am also creative, I am a visual arts student majoring in photography and passionate about anything related to the arts, whether it be performing arts, visual arts or great literaty works. I am passionate about pursuing a cultured life with youthful enthusiasm, that can be shared with good friends and family over a nice meal with a glass of wine. And of course...I like to chat, so please join me here every week to explore lifes little mysteries together.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

UniSA 2012 Graduates Exhibition - HUNT

This years Graduates Exhibition for the University of South Australia’s Art, Architecture and Design, is titled Hunt and showcases all of the 2012 Visual Arts graduates final body of work for the Undergraduates Program, Honours Program, along with the Visual Art and Design Graduate Diploma and Masters Program.
The nights ceremony was opened by the lovely Lisa Slade and saw an array of  prizes, scholarships, industry and academic achievement awards being presented. Lisa Slade eloquently discussed the shows title - Hunt, and how it relates to the exhibition and likened the journey through art school to a kind of disconcerting, blind stumble through dark woods with the constant quest that is required during the studying experience to excel. Clearly there is an interplay of the concept of enlightenment between the hunted (the idea) and the hunter (the artist) and how that relates to the passion and drive required to succeed. The hunt also refers to being sought out or pursued by industry professionals.
The exhibition showcased the work of over 100 graduating students across a multiple of disciplines including sculpture, ceramics, glass, jeweler, textiles, drawing, painting, printmaking and photography. It is obvious this exhibition celebrates a diverse group of creative individuals and is a platform many very talented emerging artists, some of whom will undoubtedly go on to be leading industry professionals.
The grad show is an annual event and an amazing opportunity to discover talented, enthusiastic, passionate artists and see what they are producing, whilst being an occasion to acquire some  amazing artworks at an affordable price before these individuals become famous and are sought out by curators or gallery directors. So  if you were unfortunate enough not to be part of last nights celebration where an abundance of good wine and tasty cheese platters were enjoyed, then it is recommended you take the time to head over to UniSA and immerse yourself in a plethora of visual treats and glimpse the next wave of leading visual artists to have emerged. You wont be disappointed. The exhibition will run for a total of ten days until the 13th of Dec 2012 9am – 5pm daily and is accompanied by a unique set of catalogues.
WHAT: Hunt: UniSA Graduates Exhibition
WHERE: SASA Gallery, Kaurna Building, UniSA City Wes
Note: This event is entirely funded by students, along with fundraising efforts by the students and with some external grant support. Grant support varies every year depending on competition for each round and the availability of funds. A big shout out to the 2012 Visual Arts Grad Show Committee for coordinating this outstanding event, along with organizing of funding for the catalogue printing, website design and hosting, event marketing and advertising, opening night catering, photographer, bar staff, security, preparation and clean up of the space prior to install and post demount. CHEERS!


Danae Thyssen