Kristian Mumford is a 3rd generation Australian artist. Born in 1980 he has already become an international success with over 14 awards to his good name. Aside from being an award winning artist, he is also a renowned Landscape Designer celebrated with 6 esteemed designs to his credit. Mumford has founded his own business, along with being the caretaker to a prestigious estate property. Furthermore, he has received an award from the Government for his outstanding service to the Natural Heritage trust and released a “Save the River Murray with the children” DVD. Additionally Mumford was instrumental in the launch for Planet Ark, along with National Tree Day for the Yorke peninsula and has become an Ambassador for the Trees for Life cause, National parks and wildlife, and last but not least, the Victorian Cancer Council. To add to his long list of achievements, Mumford has also written two books, released a music CD and is a humanitarian donating valuable time and resources to a variety of charities and is in service of the community arts. Hence, Mumford was invited to become a Creative Adult Learning Facilitator and consequently trained for the position. Mumford was also in attendance at the Australian Spirituality and Sustainability Forum with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Although somewhat traditional in his technical approach, Mumford is clearly a contemporary artist who is known to create distinctive and strikingly beautiful portraits in oils, which are primarily of women. Generally the poses of his subjects are dramatic and dynamic in their presentation, but are composed with care, dressed and placed within a particular realm and are outstanding in their truths and finish. The figures are the embodiment of grace and the women clearly exemplify the idea of the romantic, the venus, the lover. Mumford endeavors to connect with an element of something profound within his works. He is extremely driven and much of the impact of his artworks comes from his own autobiographical explorations to find the meaning within the paintings. The techniques he uses are innovative and fresh, choosing to work on linen rather than the usual canvas, consequently the surface is much finer which takes on the pigment. The results produced have a more translucent quality, a washed effect that creates additional layers that shimmer from within the painting. Mumford merges the delicate subtlety of watercolor, with inks and the vibrancy and malleability of oils, all delivered with a lightness of touch, which enables him to express variations of light and tone that provides the works with a delightfully ethereal quality. Mumford has sold in major galleries across Australia.
The Beautiful British Lady, Kristian Mumford
Christiana Reclining in Arizona, Kristian Mumford |